Monday, September 14, 2009

You Can Dew-it

Taegan Goddard seems to think getting health care reform passed is stronger than it seems and Sullivan explains the realities.

Taegan Goddard's Political Wire:
"Despite the theatrics over health care reform, Andrew Sullivan says President Obama will ultimately get a bill through Congress.
'Obama has a solid majority and can achieve all this with Democratic votes alone. So why is he in such trouble? Partly it is that this kind of reform rightly stirs scepticism, and Obama has allowed a hapless and divided Congress to take the lead, muddying the message. Partly it is that the hard right is becoming more and more extreme and its fears have eclipsed the hopes of Obama's supporters. But the most critical part, in my view, is the public understanding that after two massive bank bailouts and a vast stimulus package, with two still-intractable wars, the US cannot afford even the modest 10-year trillion dollar package Obama is proposing. And Obama's inability to cut spending while the economy is so fragile means he is constrained from offering fiscal reassurance.'

'So, tactically, Obama is on the defensive. Strategically? Again, he is stronger than he now appears. When the health insurance bill is passed and elderly Americans are not rounded up into concentration camps and granny isn't subjected to euthanasia, and when many uninsured people gain a peace of mind they have never felt before, and people become able to change job without fearing loss of insurance, the Republican scare tactics may come to seem absurd.'"

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